SQL Table Space Script : This sql query uses "sp_mstablespace" stored procedure to get table space for all the user table in the server.
Code :
Code :
SELECT a.[name] as 'Table',
(select convert(int, rowcnt)
FROM dbo.sysindexes
WHERE indid < 2 and id=a.id) as rows,
(((SELECT sum(dpages)
FROM dbo.sysindexes
WHERE indid < 2 and id = a.id)
(SELECT isnull(sum(used), 0)
FROM dbo.sysindexes
WHERE indid = 255 and id = a.id))*8) as DataSpaceUsed,
(((SELECT sum(used)
FROM dbo.sysindexes
WHERE indid in (0, 1, 255) and id = a.id) - ((SELECT sum(dpages)
FROM dbo.sysindexes
WHERE indid < 2 and id = a.id)
(SELECT isnull(sum(used), 0)
FROM dbo.sysindexes
WHERE indid = 255 and id = a.id))
)*8) as IndexSpaceUsed
FROM sysobjects a
WHERE a.[xtype] = 'u'
AND a.[name] <> 'dtproperties'
ORDER BY a.[name]